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OGYouTube is a special YouTube client that allows you to download any video from YouTube directly to your Android. This should definitely be mentioned, you should definitely not log in with your account when using OGYouTube, otherwise you will be able to download absolutely nothing. The best part of all this is that you can set the resolution and download songs directly as MP3s. As soon as you click on it, a new panel appears with the mentioned settings to download the video. The only difference you can see once you play a video is a download button right next to the description.

OGYouTube is an excellent tool for downloading YouTube videos, which also serves as a YouTube client.

In principle, OGYouTube works just like any common YouTube client.

Android App

Android app:

In- APP Screenshots:

How to Install:

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Details :

OGYouTube is a special YouTube client that allows you to download any video from YouTube directly to your Android. This should definitely be mentioned, you should definitely not log in with your account when using OGYouTube, otherwise you will be able to download absolutely nothing. The best part of all this is that you can set the resolution and download songs directly as MP3s. As soon as you click on it, a new panel appears with the mentioned settings to download the video. The only difference you can see once you play a video is a download button right next to the description.

OGYouTube is an excellent tool for downloading YouTube videos, which also serves as a YouTube client.

In principle, OGYouTube works just like any common YouTube client.

Older Versions :


not available



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