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An action RPG forged by humans and dragons.
Dragalia Lost is an action role-playing game with swipe controls, about the bond between humans and dragons. DAOKO
Dragalia Lost features music by Japanese artist DAOKO. A shared story of heroes, legends and allies.

* May contain advertising for Nintendo.
* Over 60 voiced characters are ready to help you in your quest! This application is free to download and offers some optional in-app purchases. You must be at least 13 years old to play this game. Defeat your enemies with a range of powerful attacks and special abilities, and even transform into a dragon yourself!
Music by Your captivating music underscores the joyful gaming experience!

Android App

Android app:

In- APP Screenshots:

How to Install:

Dragalia Lost apk


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Details :

An action RPG forged by humans and dragons.
Dragalia Lost is an action role-playing game with swipe controls, about the bond between humans and dragons. DAOKO
Dragalia Lost features music by Japanese artist DAOKO. A shared story of heroes, legends and allies.

* May contain advertising for Nintendo.
* Over 60 voiced characters are ready to help you in your quest! This application is free to download and offers some optional in-app purchases. You must be at least 13 years old to play this game. Defeat your enemies with a range of powerful attacks and special abilities, and even transform into a dragon yourself!
Music by Your captivating music underscores the joyful gaming experience!

Older Versions :


not available



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