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Anime Slayer application in terms of design is beautiful, smooth and far from any complexity, giving you a simple and smooth performance
Our application competes with the leading applications in the field of anime, such as Anime Stars, Arab Manga and Add Anime
Slayer is an online application and the first in the world of anime and manga that offers a lot of information about anime and manga series and movies, coming from well-known and famous sources.

Android App

Android app:

In- APP Screenshots:

How to Install:

Anime Slayer Apk


Sticker maker XAPK

YAZIO Kalorienzähler & Intervallfasten App XAPK

Facebook Lite Apk

Details :

Anime Slayer application in terms of design is beautiful, smooth and far from any complexity, giving you a simple and smooth performance
Our application competes with the leading applications in the field of anime, such as Anime Stars, Arab Manga and Add Anime
Slayer is an online application and the first in the world of anime and manga that offers a lot of information about anime and manga series and movies, coming from well-known and famous sources.

Older Versions :


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