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"The app is a leading mobile marketplace for international trade. Buy products from suppliers around the world, easily using your smartphone.
1. Search millions of products in hundreds of categories
2. Communicate directly with suppliers via the integrated messenger
3. Receive recommendations based on your preferences
4. Share product and supplier information via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
5. Submit individual purchase requests to suppliers
The app also offers additional services such as the "" Trade Assurance "" service as well as logistics and international payment services.
The following languages ​​are supported:
English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, Italian and French
Via ( is a leading wholesale marketplace for international trade. The buyers on, who are from more than 200 countries and regions around the world, are typically sales agents, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, and SMEs involved in import and export business.
If you as a supplier would like to sell your products via the platform, please use the AliSupplier app.
In order to provide you with the best possible user experience, the app requires access to the following functions of your smartphone. You can of course deactivate some of the functions as you wish.
Contacts: This access allows you to save supplier contacts in your contact list directly from the app.
Camera: You can use the camera to transfer photos and videos via Messenger to simplify communication with suppliers.
Flashlight: Accessing this allows you to use the flashlight function of your smartphone when you use the camera in poor lighting conditions.
Microphone: You can use the microphone to transmit voice messages via the messenger, which simplifies communication with suppliers.
Location: By accessing this, you can search for suppliers and / or products based on your location.
Phone: Access on your phone allows you to call suppliers directly from the app.
Storage: This access is required to store images and pages in temporary storage. This shortens the loading time for websites. "

Android App

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Details :

"The app is a leading mobile marketplace for international trade. Buy products from suppliers around the world, easily using your smartphone.
1. Search millions of products in hundreds of categories
2. Communicate directly with suppliers via the integrated messenger
3. Receive recommendations based on your preferences
4. Share product and supplier information via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
5. Submit individual purchase requests to suppliers
The app also offers additional services such as the "" Trade Assurance "" service as well as logistics and international payment services.
The following languages ​​are supported:
English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, Italian and French
Via ( is a leading wholesale marketplace for international trade. The buyers on, who are from more than 200 countries and regions around the world, are typically sales agents, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, and SMEs involved in import and export business.
If you as a supplier would like to sell your products via the platform, please use the AliSupplier app.
In order to provide you with the best possible user experience, the app requires access to the following functions of your smartphone. You can of course deactivate some of the functions as you wish.
Contacts: This access allows you to save supplier contacts in your contact list directly from the app.
Camera: You can use the camera to transfer photos and videos via Messenger to simplify communication with suppliers.
Flashlight: Accessing this allows you to use the flashlight function of your smartphone when you use the camera in poor lighting conditions.
Microphone: You can use the microphone to transmit voice messages via the messenger, which simplifies communication with suppliers.
Location: By accessing this, you can search for suppliers and / or products based on your location.
Phone: Access on your phone allows you to call suppliers directly from the app.
Storage: This access is required to store images and pages in temporary storage. This shortens the loading time for websites. "

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